Monday, January 22, 2007

The Coal City Connection Part 6: Emergence.....

Coal City Bugler Archive: October 4th, 1976

Coal City, Illinois (Coal City Bugler)--After the collapse of the coal mines just outside of Coal City seven days ago, even the most optimistic members of the rescue operation were beginning to lose hope. As of yesterday morning no survivors had been found. This changed however when at roughly 9AM the muffled cries of an as of yet unidentified boy were heard by some members of the Coal City Fire Brigade #313.

Efforts were concentrated over where the cries were heard and after two hours of digging the young man was pulled into the light of day. Covered in dust and making only shallow breathing efforts, the boy was quickly transported to nearby Sisters of Fortitude Episcopal Hospital for the Ill where he is currently in serious but stable condition.

Who is this mystery child? Our efforts have turned up no information at this time. The powers that be at Coal City Coal have issued a statement which claims no knowledge of the child's identity and denies ever hiring minors to work the mines. The child has so far not been allowed to be seen by the press but there are rumors that the boy is deaf coming from inside the hospital.

Local authorities are asking anyone having information on the boy's identity to please contact the Coal City Sheriff's Office.

Pid Pidwell

Copyright 1976 The Coal City Bugler. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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